Sorta Smores

Sorta Smores: chocolate-marshmallowy goodness  without the campfire…

These are almost too easy to submit as a Carnival of the Recipes entry, but they can be sooooo good it’d be a shame not to.

This is another one of my patented “not-quite-a-recipe recipes” OK? Just remember, it can’t be “Sorta Smores” with the typical graham cracker, ’K?


  • Tea Biscuits. NOT graham crackers. I prefer a Mexican vanilla tea biscuit, but any you find tasty will likely do the trick.
  • Mini-marshmallows. The regular size just won’t do, folks.
  • Your fav sweet chocolate or chocolate bar.


  • Finely shave or grate the chocolate bar
  • Place tea biscuits on a plate and add mini-marshmallows and shaved/grated chocolate bar. Don’t go wild with either. The marshmallows will go much further than you may think.
  • Nuke for NO MORE THAN 30 seconds in microwave. (Our MW does fine with about 15-20 seconds for 3-5 “Sorta Smores”.)

Let ‘em cool a bit and have ‘em with hot chocolate or coffee.

Variation? Snickers bars (very small chunks dispersed among the mini-marshmallows), of course. And of course, lots of variations in types of chocolate can be fun. Haven’t tried white chocolate with this, but I might.  Just have fun with it.

And yeh, if you absolutely must, you can do this over a campfire. *sigh* Barbarians…


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