Katrina Relief Blogburst, et al

Katrina Relief

Received this from RomeoCat via email.  Check out her blog for more info on relief efforts by  bloggers, ‘K?

“…as my own personal fund-raiser for the Hurricane, I’m donating $5 for every comment on this week’s recipe to Red Cross, and $5 from the Hurricane Relief post to Soldiers’ Angels, if you want to let your readers know…”

Here’s another disaster relief effort I can recommend.  Know some of the folks and a lot of the background. More $$ get to the people via this route (augmented by lots of volunteers on the ground!) than just about any other I know of.

And Basil’s Blog has a meta-roundup (includes others’ roundups) of Katrina relief efforts, too. Good resource. And stick around to read other posts there, why dontcha?

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