Super Easy, Super Quick, One Skillet

Easy-Peasy, Pseudo Faux Semi-Italian Shepherd’s Pie, Sorta, Kinda. *heh*

No, it’s not “fine dining” or any such thing; it’s just good eats.

Brown one pound of ground meat–your choice; I prefer to use “chili ground” lean Angus for this one–in a large skillet. Make it 12″ or so. With lean ground meat, I’ll add enough olive oil to make it work well.

Add 2 C medium “bow tie” pasta

Add the liquid from a 27-oz. can of this (honestly, I tried to find ’em at Amazon, but I ended up finding everything else from that company but this *sigh*) and enough of your favorite tomato-based pasta sauce to make up 3 cups liquid. BTW, while I really like chunky tomato sauce for many things, this one works much better with pureed sauce. Just sayin’.

Top off with the beans from the can you got the liquid out of, bring to a boil, then back it off to a simmer and cover for about 15 minutes, tops. If yo want to add any other vegetables before the “bring to boil” stage, that’s fine, too. Some frozen carrots and/or peas are a nice addition, IMO.

At the end of the 15 minutes’ simmering, remove from heat and let it come together and cool off enough to serve. You can add a lil grated cheese if you wish to top it off, and a simple salad to side it if you want.

BTW, I have no idea how many folks this’ll feed, but feed 2 or 3 and have LOTS of leftovers… which are only improved by being leftovers.

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