Pogo, where are you now that we need you?

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Check this out: taking money from taxpayers and giving it to criminals. Absolutely. A government-run program in Wisconsin is loaning mortgage money to illegal aliens. And they know they’re loaning taxpayer monies to criminals. And they just don’t care.

“It’s money earned, taxes paid, families need a home. It’s that simple,” said Democratic state Rep. Pedro Colon.

Liberalistas. Pedro, go home. Hey! Here’s an idea! Maybe some enterprising real estate mogul wannabe can find out where these 150 (so far) loans have gone, drop a dime on the “owners” to the INS and scoop a few of the resultant defaulted properties up for a song… It’d work for me.

EDIT: Oh, man, forgot to tip my hat to Ogre. Oh please, oh please, Mr Ogre! It wasn’t an intentional “bad pitch”. 🙂

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