Baby Steps…

A few additions and improvements to the new “Coffee Shrine” in the last week. The bamboo plate rack is installed and holds all the (unbroken *heh*) salad plates, which we normally treat as dinner plates, allowing the open storage of the dinner plates on the counter, using a different, horizontal storage, bamboo plate rack. The “fun” coffee cups are now hanging on the wall for quick access/use, and a bit more trim work is done, leaving just a few bits and pieces of trim, molding and some flooring work to finish things out. My Wonder Woman likes it, which is the single criterion that counts. 🙂

UPDATE: Painted “bowl” shelf and the part of the new (furniture-grade) plywood facing to the cabinet next to it last night. Primed some trim for painting and then application tonight. It’s coming. Still have the soffit above the sink/west wall cabinets to finish (plastering/painting), but it’s all coming along.

2 Replies to “Baby Steps…”

    1. Well, it’s handy. Sure, the filtered-water pitchers we use for brewing coffee need a bit of management, but they always have. But having the “coffee shrine” handy to the counter (and better stools are on the way, too), the dining room and even the “living room” (our first living room we’ve really LIVED in *heh*) is a big plus. With cereals and suchlike also easily accessible from that side of the counter, quick breakfasts have also become a tad quicker. Still tweaking the reorganization, but so far, the little improvements are adding up nicely.

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