No Shiite, Sherlock…

For those who weren’t around back then and may think this ad crosses some sort of barrier, here’s the most manipulative political ad of 1964, long lauded by the left as a classic:

2 Replies to “No Shiite, Sherlock…”

    1. I like his ad. It does speak some inconvenient truth. The pun on Shiite leadership of Iran=feces is fully intended. Iranian (Shiite) leadership has made no secret (actually, loudly and consistently proclaimed) its intention of wiping out Israel, and indeed any and all Jews it can eliminate, and is actively seeking to manufacture or procure nuclear weapons to that end–as openly bragged by Ahmadinejad (when he’s not deceiving Western dupes about seeking nukes solely for peaceful ends–“peace” to his ilk meaning “No Jews and all unbelievers subjugated or dead”).

      In case you’re not familiar with the meme this invokes, here’s a link to the classic LBJ “Daisy” ad from 1964:

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