“My client is an intelligent, well-educated woman… “

…who knows how to attempt a shakedown, the lawyer for Cain accuser Karen Kraushaar, should have continued. The Cain event wasn’t her last attempt at a shakedown for special treatment. Will we also discover at a future date it wasn’t her first? Notice that she’s “worked” in “feddle gummint” jobs since she was shuffled off the NRA payroll, where Cain at one time described her as a ‘poor employee”, with a penurious severance package.

Hmmm, even at a “feddle gummint” featherbedding job*, she couldn’t work well with others. Multiple times, she asked to be allowed to work from home, finally filing a complaint including sexual harassment charges when she wasn’t allowed to work from home after a car accident. Sound familiar? She had multiple work-related complaints when she worked at the NRA and limped in accusations against Cain to add some traction to them.

Oh, and what did she want in “compensation” for not being allowed to work from home and having seen an email joke about computers, women and men that we’ve all had a couple of chuckles at? She demanded YOUR tax dollars to pay for “thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government…”

Oh, that’s all? In this one case, the “feddle gummint” gorilla worked in our favor. She got bupkis, which was actually less than she deserved. IMO, she deserved firing for being such an ass. (I added the “IMO” because she has shown a propensity for filing lawsuits and her layer has, IMO, no moral fiber whatsoever.) Oh, and her one big “contribution” during her sojourn at INS? Participating in the official INS/INjustice Department kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez. Yep, her one great accomplishment in life was to be a part of this:

This whole process is very illuminating, but these women don’t seem to understand just what they are demonstrating.

*featherbedding job? She “worked” an office (“bureaucrappic”) in the ineffectual and bloated INS.

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