Just to Be Clear…

Seen here:

As commented at the site where I saw this, “”Just to be clear, Karen Kraushaar is the one on the left.”

That poor gelding. (If he isn’t, I’m sure she can have her lawyer attempt to make him so.)

If Herman Cain did “hit on” Karen Kraushaar, it’d dim my support for him on the basis of evidence of extreme bad taste alone. I’ve seen pics of his wife, and I just can’t find that to be credible.

“My client is an intelligent, well-educated woman… “

…who knows how to attempt a shakedown, the lawyer for Cain accuser Karen Kraushaar, should have continued. The Cain event wasn’t her last attempt at a shakedown for special treatment. Will we also discover at a future date it wasn’t her first? Notice that she’s “worked” in “feddle gummint” jobs since she was shuffled off the NRA payroll, where Cain at one time described her as a ‘poor employee”, with a penurious severance package.

Hmmm, even at a “feddle gummint” featherbedding job*, she couldn’t work well with others. Multiple times, she asked to be allowed to work from home, finally filing a complaint including sexual harassment charges when she wasn’t allowed to work from home after a car accident. Sound familiar? She had multiple work-related complaints when she worked at the NRA and limped in accusations against Cain to add some traction to them.

Oh, and what did she want in “compensation” for not being allowed to work from home and having seen an email joke about computers, women and men that we’ve all had a couple of chuckles at? She demanded YOUR tax dollars to pay for “thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government…”

Oh, that’s all? In this one case, the “feddle gummint” gorilla worked in our favor. She got bupkis, which was actually less than she deserved. IMO, she deserved firing for being such an ass. (I added the “IMO” because she has shown a propensity for filing lawsuits and her layer has, IMO, no moral fiber whatsoever.) Oh, and her one big “contribution” during her sojourn at INS? Participating in the official INS/INjustice Department kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez. Yep, her one great accomplishment in life was to be a part of this:

This whole process is very illuminating, but these women don’t seem to understand just what they are demonstrating.

*featherbedding job? She “worked” an office (“bureaucrappic”) in the ineffectual and bloated INS.

Double Standards Can Be a Good Thing

Double standards, openly revealed, can demonstrate in many ways the qualities of both the people they are applied to and those applying the standards. Let me let Andrew Klavan explain,

…what if a drunken Republican senator had accidentally dropped a car containing his adultery mate into the water? What if he had sauntered back to his hotel to clean up while the poor woman desperately pounded on the car window until she drowned horribly? Would conservatives have re-elected that man? Would they have declared that man “The Lion of the Senate?” The very idea makes one ill. Conservatives would have demanded his arrest and trial with a single voice.

So the double standard continues with Cain. Not only have the reliably left wing news sites like ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN been acting as if this were the story of the decade, but right wing sites like Fox and our own PJMedia have added fuel to the fire, eagerly tracking down more details. You can be sure that will keep happening as the story proceeds. And if Cain turns out to be guilty, you won’t be hearing any excuses for him here.

And yes, it’s unfair. But there’s a reason it’s unfair—a reason it should be unfair. There’s a reason we right wingers vet our candidates while the left adulates theirs, a reason we condemn our miscreants while the left elevates theirs, a reason our news outlets cover stories that the left covers up.

The reason is: we’re the good guys. We have to do what’s right. The left doesn’t. Sorry, but that’s the way it works. It’s the price you pay for defending what’s true and good, the price of holding yourself to a high moral standard. Our politicians have to be better than their politicians. Our journalists have to be more honest. Even our protesters have to behave with decorum and decency—and still suffer being slandered—while theirs can act like animals and commit acts of violence and lawlessness and spew anti-semitic filth and still find themselves excused and glorified.

Go. Read the whole thing.

And, of course I agree. If Herman Cain actually did engage in sexual harassment of employees (or anyone else, for that matter)–and so far nothing, including the most recent and finally open allegations have elicited any credence from me–then he deserves public condemnation and an end to his political aspirations.

But so far, all I have read have been either anonymous allegations of things that either lack credibility or any basis for claiming sexual harassment (undefined non-sexual gestures that some women took offense to, for example? Get real) and some woman who apparently, from what I’ve read so far, her claim of reasons for not filing a complaint against Cain when the events supposedly occurred is ludicrous, and her hiring of Gloria Allred sinks her late-blooming assertions now completely, as far as I’m concerned. Lie down with dogs, and all that.

But still, if there turns out to be any real meat on these dead men’s bones, I’d be happy to dump Cain in a heartbeat. I’m not holding my breath, though.

Update: Harvey applies the leftards’ standards for them.


(Not great, but not all that bad either. Imagine it: a president who can sing better than 90% of “manufactured music ‘artists'” plaguing the “music industry” nowadays… just imagine… )


The guy also seems to have a better sense of humor than anyone who’s run since Reagan.