2 Replies to “Thought for Today”

  1. This is a bit awkward, but I couldn’t see this image completely because it was too wide and your right sidebar covered it.

    Looks like your main column is only about 425 px wide.

    Might want to resize your images accordingly.

    Or not.

    Your blog, your call. I’ll still visit.

    1. Just click on the pic, Harvey. Or perhaps use a better browser? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I did check the post just now in two different browsers (Opera 12 and Chrome whatever) and didn’t see the issue. [update: Not enough coffee in me; thought you were referring to different post,. Was viewing your comment in an admin pane instead of at the post. I see your point vividly, now.] I have had that problem with other inserted pics, though. Of course, I could have the pic resized to fit within the center column w/o the “embiggification thingy” but then I may be too lazy for that. I suppose if I’m going to be a responsible and responsive blogger, I ought to at least say, “CLICK to view” somewhere in the post. OK. More exercise for arthritic fingers is good (as my prolix comments serve in aid of).

      Thanks for the kick in the pants. ๐Ÿ™‚

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