What Do Barack Obama and Anders Breivik Have in Common?

It seems the P-resident of the (dys)United States and the Norwegian shooter have some substantial things in common:

  • They both apparently claim to be “Christian” (at least for values of “Christian” that the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind recognizes as valid) and
  • They both espouse the values of the Loony Left; The Zero those of the leftist bomb team of Ayers and Dorhn, Breivik those of the equally leftist Unabomber.

Of course, The Zero and Breivik apparently have another thing in common. Since they both reportedly claim to be “Christians” but have behaved in ways that openly, blatantly, flamboyantly contradict the teachings of Christ, then they are both also liars.

Yeh, yeh, I know the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind insists on calling Breivik a “right-winger” but anyone who has one of the Hivemind’s favorite left wingnuts as the PRIMARY source for his own “manifesto” is no right-wing anything, and the fact that that Hivemind insists on the lie says more about the Hivemind than about Breivik.

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