Chicago White House Rules

Well, at least the kids in The Zero’s White House pay off co-conspirators who come through with the goods for them:

AARP Cashes In On Obumacare “Waiver” (Payoff)

Yeh, yeh, so I retitled the weenie, “AARP latest to receive Obamacare break” to reflect the simple fact that AARP and The Zero and their Dhimmicrappic congressional co-conspirators colluded together to make bribing shills like AARP (among others) to support the unconstitutional Obumacare something of a textbook case of Chicago White House Rules.

2 Replies to “Chicago White House Rules”

  1. and in addition to wrecking our economy …the Israel “problem”..and Hussein’s total contempt for our Constitution my friend…oiy!!!

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