Ignorantia Elenchi?

Update: OK, is this guy just jerking us around or what? Despite my attempts to take the “birth certificate” issued today by the White House as authentic, the thing just screams “Put up!” I finally downloaded the actual WH PDF and looked at it instead of the widely-disseminated cropped version in jpeg format. Here it is screen-capped and with one lil annotation by me:

Go ahead. Download the “official” White House pdf file. Look at the area I noted in the red ellipse. The info presented is apparently supposed to be reproduced as a photocopy (?) from a bound version of a document and then printed out on some security paper? Except… that lil area inside the ellipse doesn’t work too well in that regard, now does it?

And I’m still a bit concerned about the lack of some kind of embossed/imprinted seal as seems to have been the practice, at least at one time, for Hawaiian birth certificates.

And, what’s this business from the WH about having to get a special exemption to get a copy of the birth certificate? The official State of Hawaii site handling such things says,

“Vital records (birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates) for events that occurred in Hawaii are received and preserved by the Office of Health Status Monitoring, a unit of the Department of Health (DOH). In Hawaii, access to vital records is restricted by statute (HRS §338-18).

“Certified copies of these records may be issued to authorized individuals and used for such diverse purposes as school entry, passports, Social Security participation, driver’s licenses, employment, sports participation, survivor’s benefits, proof of property rights, and other needs.

“This is only an ordering system for certified copies of vital records. The certified copies being ordered WILL NOT be issued online as a part of your transaction. You will receive the ordered certified copies via first-class postal mail within 4-6 weeks…

“…You may order certified copies only of your own birth and marriage certificates or of an immediate family member (e.g., a parent of his/her child’s birth or marriage certificate) on this web site…”

No “special exemptions” required. No waiting three years. CERTIFIED copies available through the mail in 4-6 weeks. And the cost is only $11.50 ($10.00 for the first copy of a document and $1.50 “electronic processing”), not a couple of million dollars (as The Zero and his minions have made it by fighting to delay producing a birth certificate).

Why the lie about needing a “special exemption”? What’s with the weird look? And why do all this so clumsily and “reluctantly”?

Misdirection? Distraction? What is it The Zero and his handlers do not want folks thinking about?

Now, the red herring is in the open. After nearly three years and a couple of million dollars in legal maneuvering to avoid producing a long form B.C., The Zero has finally released an apparently legitimate document showing he was born in Hawaii… as a British citizen, under the laws in effect at the time. *heh*

Now, let’s see the passport Barry Soetoro used to travel to Pakistan in 1981 and the documentation of his time at Occidental College.

Do go ahead and read the post, if you will, but first, here’s yet another update:

ignorantia elenchi, loosely “irrelevant conclusion”. It’s irrelevant that The Zero was born in the U.S. to an 18-year-old American woman since his father was a British citizen and British law at the time conferred citizenship on ANYONE born of a British father, no matter where born or under what circumstances, making Barry’s “native born (American) citizenship” null and void. Dual citizenship does not seem to meet the “native born” qualification. And then there’s the “Barry Soetoro” issue, where he was listed as an Indonesian by his adoptive father in school records and possibly attended Occidental as a foreign student. Let’s get those records out too, Barry, ‘K?

Not that they really matter, as we now know he was born a British citizen anyway, now that we have an apparently legitimate document verifying his father as Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a British citizen.


Of course, all the usual suspects will look at the document purporting to be a full and complete record and ignore what it really shows or argue that it doesn’t really matter that he was born with dual citizenship, instead of the kind of citizenship that “native born” has meant in the past and meant when he was born.

But, it is a moderate “win” that he and his minions wasted so many millions to delay producing an apparently legitimate document (that still doesn’t have the quality or quantity of information my lil ole B.C. has… or even The Donald’s hospital B.C., let alone the photostat of his official B.C., though that could just be an artifact of crappy record keeping in Hawaii) to prove… that he is apparently not a “native born” citizen. *heh*

Of course, if The Zero were to start actinglike an American–showing appreciation for and an emulation of distinctly American values instead of showing such contempt for the US and acting in all ways to undermine the country–then the matter wouldn’t matter so very much at all.

I said, above, “apparently legitimate” indicating I had some small doubts. If I had a better graphic to work from those might be assuaged somewhat. Here’s what I mean:

Here’s the problem. If you “embiggen” the photo of the 1963 vintage Hawaiian long form (the closest I’ve been able to find so far), and look in the upper right hand quadrant, you’ll see something I’ve seen on every other B.C. I’ve viewed from various states, in one form or another: an impressed/embossed seal. It’s faint, but quite easily seen. Now, study the graphic released of The Zero’s apparently authentic B.C. Can you find the seal I’ve missed? Yeh, yeh, the released graphic has a rubber-stamped “signature” but that’s it. Where’s the embossed seal?

Again, I am NOT saying the released graphic is somehow faked up. I would wonder about the standards of record keeping in Hawaii if this is an example.

2 Replies to “Ignorantia Elenchi?”

  1. “If Obama started acting like an American…”

    I’m going to steal a C.S. Lewis quote from the Chronicles of Narnia and say, “Maybe apes will grow honest…”

    1. MM, *heh* Your “apes” comment is likely to be classed as racist by Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and all the rest of the menagerie of usual suspects from the “reality-based fantasy” crowd.

      Still, given his history to date, I don’t think honesty is anywhere in The Zero’s future, unless it be imposed from without.

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