Change of Pace

Microwave pressure cooker
1.5 cups pinto beans
3 cups water (or a wee tad more)
dehydrated garlic chips and
onion powder (or flakes) to taste
~20 minutes on high

Nicely cooked pot of beans. Could’ve added some bacon or a ham hock if I’d had it handy, but this is good. (Maybe next time I’ll add some “white” pepper… )

*sigh* The lil microwave pressure cooker that I picked up several years ago for $3 at a flea market is starting to show some wear around the ring where the gasket is installed. Still works, but I can see having to replace it down the road, so I went looking for it. Exact match: ~$52 at Amazon. *gag* I just have to find it for less. Oh, it’s worth the price and can afford it, but… nah, I’m just too much of a tightwad to pay that for one. (Update: OK, have found it for $45. That’s 25% less than the manufacturer–Nordic Ware–sells it for, direct, but I’d still rather find it for less… *heh*)

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