
There were some very, very sound reasons the Founders designed the Constitution to define a timocratic republic, and very,very sound reasons they eschewed mob rule (democracy).

And there are some very, very shrewd–and really stupid–reasons why our political masters have sold the sheeple a bill of goods concerning democracy.

Chew on those two thoughts for a while and get back to me, ‘K?

9 Replies to “ti·mo·crat·ic”

  1. Perhaps they foresaw the ruination brought about by a people that believe they could vote themselves largess out of the government’s purse by voting for a socialist?

    As for today’s sheeple-herders… perhaps they foresaw the power they could wield over a people that suddenly recognize the ability to vote themselves largess out of the government’s purse by voting for them?

  2. I’m of the opinion our constitutional republic was inspired, something which requires faith. In this day and age folks who claim to use faith are not taken seriously or are given less than complimentary monikers. Our founders would have been branded insane, crazy or kooks in today’s unhealthy political climate if at any time they gave credit to God for any part of our original documents. So our founders really were just following instructions and didn’t come up with it them selves.

  3. We have gotten way off track since the Founders, but I don’t think we need to re-invent, just re-embrace.

    And re-ssurect the McCarthy hearings. Too many godamned commies in this country masquerading as professors, reporters and loyal citizens is the real problem.

    1. “Too many godamned commies in this country masquerading as professors, reporters and loyal citizens is the real problem.”

      Well, Woody, that and the masses of self-lobotomized, lazy, greedy sheeple who expect “the government” to take care of them.

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