“Raining Cats and Dogs”

Well, last night it certainly did. Big golly-wompers of rain.

But speaking of raining cats n dogs, if a poodle piddles on the porch is the widdle poodle piddle pond a poodle puddle?

2 Replies to ““Raining Cats and Dogs””

    1. Oh, please do, Colin. I’ve been cudgeling my brain to recall when that term crept into my vocabulary, and I cannot recall where I heard it or even having used it before it dropped off the end of my fingers this a.m. I’ve since discovered that “GOLLY WOMPERS” was a “Trademark by IROQUOIS POPCORN CO., INC. CHICAGO, IL” but that the more usual spelling seems to be “golly whompers”.

      Oh, well. 🙂

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