Beltway Lobotomized

Peggy Noonan, writing in the WSJ, demonstrates once again that becoming a Beltway Pundit requires a lobotomy.

It all seems rather mad, doesn’t it? The decision to become involved militarily in the Libyan civil war couldn’t take place within a less hospitable context. The U.S. is reeling from spending and deficits, we’re already in two wars, our military has been stretched to the limit, we’re restive at home, and no one, really, sees President Obama as the kind of leader you’d follow over the top. “This way, men!” “No, I think I’ll stay in my trench.” People didn’t hire him to start battles but to end them. They didn’t expect him to open new fronts. Did he not know this?

Peggy Noonan used to be rather bright until she had a Beltway Lobotomy. What The Zero is doing seems patently obvious to anyone who’s taken even a cursory glance at his background. Peggy, if you’d been studying The Zero’s playbook (Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the Cloward-Piven Strategy), you’d know he needs everything he can throw at the U.S. to wreck the economy and strain government services to the breaking point–and beyond–in order to bring down the whole country.

Further: Noonan writes, “In fact, this may turn out to be true: If Gadhafi survives, the crisis will go on and on. If Gadhafi falls, the crisis will go on and on.”

No it won’t Peggy. Not really. If Gadhafi survives, Libya will be under the heel of an Islamic tyrant. If he does not survive, it will be under the heel of another Islamic tyrant. Heck, this is an even easier prognostication than when Dhimmi Kahtah handed the reins to Islamic Mullahs in Iran through a fumble-handed undercutting of the Shah. And the “crisis” will end, as far as The Zero and his partners in crime are concerned, as soon as it (and other “crises” manufactured and managed for his purposes) has brought down the U.S.

The Zero is not some mad buffoon wildly lurching from crisis to crisis; his is a well-known and well-advertised strategy, plainly obvious to his partners in crime and anyone else with more active brain cells than a head of cabbage.

Noonan does (accidentally?) make a couple of commonsense points: that there is nothing obviously in the interest of the U.S.’s national security at stake in Libya, and that what strategy there exists in the Libyan adventure is murky at best, although she minces words on both points, as a Good Beltway Insider must in order to remain an insider…

6 Replies to “Beltway Lobotomized”

  1. I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than be a beltway insider. The problem, one of them at least, is that these people seem to have opted for both the bottle and the lobotomy. The other seems to be a deliberate refusal to both learn from and correctly interpret history.

    This sort of muddy thinking ends up flowing downhill and a lazy people lap up the mud as if it were chocolate syrup. Time do do some more research on the animated aquatic life of Bikini Bottom. But first “the news”.

  2. Too many refuse to believe that any American, much less the president would intentionally destroy our way of life via the “playbook” you mentioned or Cloward/Piven. Even with the facts and figures before them many would prefer to call the long list of crisis after crisis pure coincidence rather than consider these as intentional acts of sabotage.

    1. Too many? *sigh* TF, I’m convinced that the American experiment expanding democracy far, far beyond the bounds the Founders designed has produced a solid, one might go so far as to say overwhelming, majority of idiots in the electorate making sure that everyone else suffers for their stupidity, ignorance and greed.

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