It’s No Longer Simply Ironic

With the open display of antipathy toward democracy in recent days–so-called “Democrats” using various tactics to avoid the outcomes of democratically-decided elections, beginning with the “Democratic” State senators of Wisconsin fleeing the state to avoid providing a quorum–isn’t it time the party was formally renamed the Anti-Democratic Party?

6 Replies to “It’s No Longer Simply Ironic”

  1. This state of affairs regarding the Democrats is pathetic and does not resemble any democracy I ever knew in this nation. I agree with you that they are behaving anti-democratic, but I honestly believe that the Democratic Party be replaced by another party that represents the people and from where I sit, it has appeared of late that some Republicans are folling in the Demi way. All self-serving, anti-democratic, anti-American behavior that undermines our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. I see this nation slipping and while I do hold politicians largely responsible David, even worse is the uneducated citizenry – and I do not mean in the collegic sense, but those that refuse to be self-learned by reading, studying, investigating – they just take what the politicians do and the media dumps on them as “thus saith the Lord” and that is pathetic!

  2. Lord knows politics isn’t my bailiwick. I voted for Ross Perot! LMAO
    All I know about Democrats (if that’s what he really is)- is- I can’t wait for this particular one to be out of office.

    1. Actually, TF, I would. I started the chess club we had in college, and during my first year of college my calculus grades suffered a tad because I spent my time playing chess rather than do my calculus “homework” (25% of the grade). I like chess. Used to deam in “chess”. Haven’t had anyone but my children or a computer to play with for years now, though.

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