Another Game from Mel

Mel, writing at The Trouble With Angels has another game to play. Here’re the guidelines:

“A picture is worth 10 answers.”

I challenge you to answer all these questions by typing your answer into Google Images and picking the 1st through 10th images as your answer. SO, put each question into your blog post (on your own blogs, please) and post the image instead of the answer, and the image number should correspond with the question number.

Example, if question 3 is “What did you eat for lunch yesterday?” and you ate Pizza, type “pizza” into Google Images and get the 3rd image for your answer. (For question 4 get the 4th image, etc.) Don’t type the answer into your blog, if the image doesn’t make sense then that’s just too bad. If the image is porn or something you don’t want to have on your blog, then get the next image.

There’s the usual about trackbacks and such like appended.

OK, I’ll play.

1. What was your first job? You’ll never guess it.













2. What is your job now? (No, that’s not me, but it is the first image that represents my true calling that didn’t have obvious restrictions on use.)


3. What is your firstborn child’s name?

[Canceled due to unflattering images that don’t come within an order of magnitude of Lovely Daughter’s nature.]
4. Fav Childhood cartoon.


5. What genre of music do you listen to most?


6. Where were you born?














7. Who is the first president you can actually remember being in office?

8. Where would you most like to visit that you haven’t been?

9. Describe in one word your first girlfriend[I missed this one, somehow, first time I posted, so this is a “correction” of sorts]:







10. What would you say to Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro if you could use five words or less?













Nah, I didn’t play exactly by the rules, but then I rarely do. I selected images that were most suitable, in my estimation, to each question rather than just blindly adhering to the “pick number such and so”. So, ya gonna sue me or what? 😉

7 Replies to “Another Game from Mel”

  1. Mighty Mouse was the bomb. For some reason I still cannot understand, Crusader Rabbit was my absolute favorite character. Maybe because he had a tiger as a sidekick.

    1. Nice read on the pics, Nicole, but(t?) no. Not quite. I may still (and always) be something of a butthead, but not “professionally”.

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