So, Chuck’s an Uncle

Chuck hasn’t been as consistently watchable as I’d have liked, but the idea of a geeky dude playing spy has been fun, off and on. Tonight, Chuck became an uncle, but… *sigh* They named the poor (fictional, OK) kid, Clara. For someone of my generation, the first “TV Generation”, that immediately invoked images:

Yep. Either Clarabell Clown or Clarabelle Cow.

Who’s the funniest clown we know?
Who’s the clown on Howdy’s show?
His feet are big, his tummy’s stout,
But we could never do without,
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Who has fuzzy-wuzzy hair?
It’s partly red but mostly bare.
And since the day that he was born,
He’s honked and honked and honked his horn.
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Come on! You can sing along!

Sad. *sigh*

2 Replies to “So, Chuck’s an Uncle”

  1. Yeah, Chuck was amusing for awhile, then it got kind of spotty.

    I don’t have the Clarabell Clown association, but now that I’ve seen that picture I sure will. Thankfully, I meet few Clara’s in my daily life. 🙂

  2. I’ve never, to my recollection, met a Clara in real life. I suppose, were it not for my pre-literate associations of Clarabelle Cow and Clarabell Clown, I might have thought of Clara Bow or Clara Barton, but earliest impressions count for a lot.

    But, on topic for this post, yeh, Chuck’s been through some weird phases. The “new girlfriend” phase, the disparate villains (could use one good THRUSH or KAOS-type organization to fight) and a lil more campy feel, but maybe that’s just me. And is Mom going to join the team now? *sigh*

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