Common Sense? We Don’t Need No Steenkeeng Common Sense!

In the face of such stupidly ironic statements from The Ø! as,

“When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.”

That from the idiot who apparently thinks spending money the country DOES NOT HAVE on wasteful, useless, pork to buy votes for his agenda is the way to deal with a national economic crisis. Cue Bugs Bunny:


“We live in an era in which… government of the government, by the government, and for the government apparently can never vanish from the Earth, but instead will continue to grow…

…Meanwhile, appeals to common sense are futile: we all know the common sense solutions to many problems, but the government of the government by the government and for the government isn’t about to allow that.”–Jerry Pournelle

A common sense approach to dealing with an economic crisis engineered by “feddle gummint” meddling is really quite simple. Not painless, but simple.

“Feddle gummint”: stop spending money we do not have.
Getcher stinking hands off my money! Effect the FairTax and operate the “feddle gummint” on whatever it brings in. Period.

“Feddle gummint”: stop spending money we do not have. That WILL mean fewer “feddle gummint” workers and pork programs and meddling in the personal lives of citizens, which, of course, means less power for Beltway self-anointed elites. Oh, boo-hoo.

Of course, absent some serial counseling sessions with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, I doubt the Beltway Bandits will release their deadly grip on the throat of the U.S.

But miracles happen.

Due to an amazingly uninformed assertion made in comments, I’m adding one lil video that packs enough references to enable ANYONE who wants to do their own homework to fact check it, even glean more information by ignoring the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind propaganda and simply doing a little research:

Quite contrary to the myth propagated by the Hivemind, politicians *spit* and anyone with a commie/socialist/class warfare axe to grind, typified by comments such as this,

I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages.

The Federal government required financial institutions to make sub-prime loans to people who could not afford to pay them back. Outright lies such as the one I quoted above (and no, I will not link to that lying site. Google it if you want) are the core of the meme The Ø!’s administration and co-conspirators are flacking.

But it is a lie. Sure there was greed. Largely on the part of those who sought the loans they could not afford to pay back and on the part of politicians whose “careers” were boosted thereby.

4 Replies to ““Common Sense? We Don’t Need No Steenkeeng Common Sense!“”

  1. economic crisis that happened now is not really the resalt of policy of bush or obama as people like to think, its something that happens when numbers are too big…things will get back to normal, it will take few more years

    1. Avia,

      You really have no idea what precipitated the fall, do you? The “numbers [were] too big” in the mortgage business (and the financial instruments used to resell mortgages) precisely because of forced inflation of the numbers by public policy that first forced–compelled with legal force, complete with substantial penalties for non-compliance–financial institutions to give loans to people who had no realistic expectations of paying them back. Financial institutions then decided that since the federal government was compelling them to make these risky loans, loans they had no reasonable expectation of recovering, they needed to devise ways to make some money on them… and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (established by and supposedly overseen by the federal government) approved these bundlings of risky loans, their high ratings (by private ratings firms who 1. make their money based on how they rate financial instruments, a clear conflict of interest and 2. are MANDATED to be necessary in the process by… the Federal government) and themselves set up the instruments to fail.

      No, you are simply flat out wrong. The financial crisis we are in now didn’t just happen because the numbers [were] too big”. It was directly caused by policies put in place and expanded by Dhimmicraps and LET stand by Repugnican’ts. This is an entirely artificial, manufactured crisis, and The Ø! and his minions are doing all the “right” things to make it worse.

      Go back and read up on the facts, and then come back and tell me, “You’re right; I’m wrong.” It’s the only way to redeem your silly comment.

    1. Avia,

      I think you are projecting. “[N]ervous”? Hardly. I have facts. When someone makes unsupportable assertions that are silly and without grounding in fact (and don’t even attempt to argue facts, just make assertions will he nill he), I don’t treat ’em with kid gloves. Either you are adult enough to take care of yourself in an argument or you should stick with the kiddie table. You think that’s “aggressive”? Nah. Assertive and forceful perhaps. Your passive aggressive comment making another silly assertion about you somehow making me nervous is assinine and revelatory of your own insecurities (passive aggression is like that, you may know–heck, you’ve probably been told that often enough if there are any perceptive people in your life who’re not intemidated by your PA).

      For more, see my comments policy, specifically, “I’ll respect someone whose opinion is based on arguing facts, but if all you have to offer in counter is some lying meme, then expect to be pilloried in public. Repeat: if you want to argue that any views I express, any opinions I hold are wrong, marshall some real facts to bolster your argument or expect to be ridiculed.”

      I do not suffer fools gladly.

      See any of my numerous posts on illegal aliens or Muslims where offended parties make stupid, contrafactual assertions for examples of public pillorying of subliterate boobs arguing their feelings and lying memes instead of facts.

      [edit] BTW, interesting site at Israeli Uncensored News. From the content on your site I would have expected better of you in your commenting here. What you’ve “contributed” here is most certainly unworthy of you.

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