On the Passing Scene…

I think readers here will be unsurprised by the fact that I am disquieted (rather, “pissed off”) by the “feddle gummint’s” ever more intrusive (and indeed, iniquitous) meddling in local and even personal, private affairs. As some recent readers may also be aware, I’ve discovered the Martin Marprelate Letters and begun repairing that woeful lack in my education by reading them. So, it will surprise no one, I trust, that I here combine, in one brief snippet from , the two:

“This is a pretty matter that standers by must be so busy in other men’s games. Why, sauceboxes, must you be prattling?”

If that doesn’t sum up the gaggle of congresscritters, feddle gummint bureaucraps and black-robed statists as succinctly as possible, then I’d like to see a more succinct and telling comment.

Bring ’em on!

3 Replies to “On the Passing Scene…”

  1. I can’t deny that it is somewhat past time to remove the current government and replace it with a new government dictated by the original Con+10.

    I suppose we can also agree that short of war, that ain’t gonna happen.

    Solution ?

    1. Was it Clausewitz who said that war is diplomacy by other means? Perhaps we can adapt that to “Politics is war by other means” and effect some sort of changes for the better. I’m convinced that, in today’s political landscape, the optimal operational approach seems to be to become intensively involved at the local level in order to affect the candidate selection process at increasingly higher levels; to be vigilant in guarding against local vote fraud; to practice an “Amway approach” to converting folks to responsible (informed, not DISinformed by Mass Media Podpeople, etc.) citizenship… minus the hype and outright lying that often infects such pyramidal structures, of course. Continue to use this one remaining, mostly uncensored, venue for mass dissemination of information to counter the propaganda of the Academic Nut Fruitcakes, the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and politicians *spit* in general while we are still at least nominally free from Star Chamber persecutions and outright absolute censorship.

      If those things fail, then yes, I can see where armed insurrection could occur, but while “so great a cloud of witnesses” among the self-enstupiated sheeple remains to be awakened and informed, and while we still have a ([n] even partially) free election process, we still have the opportunity to make some good out of the lemons of the increasingly democratic (democratically diluted representative republic) process, even in an increasingly illiterate (or perhaps post literate, self-induced ADD/ADHD ) age. But it will take dedicated, concerted effort to educate the nearly ineducable masses (Chew on that one a while. *heh*). *sigh* A daunting task that makes armed insurrection look like the easy way out. But I’d assert that such an easy way out is beneath us, and to be avoided at almost all costs–unless, of course, it is forced upon us by complete nullification of our rights by a tyrannical government. (See, “long train of abuses” in the Declaration. Admittedly, “feddle gummint” abuses are mounting up… *sigh*) We do have the small hope of the SCOTUS decision this week reversing stare decisis on McCain-Feingold as encouragement, small though it may be. Any step back from the brink, baby step or not, is welcome, though.

      Granted, we seem at times to be not so far from that tyrannical government, but I’d assert (perhaps whistling past the graveyard) that that time is not yet, and may not be in my lifetime (as few years as I may have left).

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