
Well, since my last go-around with ISP, things have been “not bad”.

Pretty indicative of things since my last marathon call-in to ISP… Apparently, someone there is neglecting their assignment to screw things up.

VOIP is back sounding decent. Uploads/Downloads working properly. Mail works. And web pages load well, as long as I don’t switch my router back to using my ISP’s Domain Name Servers. If I do that, I can still count on having to attempt loading pages multiple times. (My first-listed DNS is one of OpenDNS‘s servers; so’s my second. The third-listed DNS is one of Google’s. Better reliability and uptime, it seems. Quick resolution. In addition, I have OpenDNS set up to filter things according to my preferences. What’s not to like? All of ’em beat the socks off the DNS offered by my ISP.)

7 Replies to “Speedtest.net”

    1. Yeh, well, Woody, this is after six months of my ISP irregularly going down for varying amounts of time (after, admittedly, six years of decent service).

      Of course, I have not expected, nor do I now expect, the promised “up to 10mbs download/1mbs upload” speeds to approach the “up to” limits any closer than they do at best, nowadays. That’s just a promised figure for “If you’re within three feet of our servers and no one else is attempting to use your node” speeds. *heh*

  1. Yeah, I like it. I watch all my TV shows online so the wicked connection works well for me.

    BTW, I didnt’ even try inserting the image, Do your comments accept the img html tag ?

    1. Sure, AG, you can insert it yourself, manually (which I assume you’d do anyway).

      8-9mbs works well for online video streaming, though I tune and record most of my Wonder Woman’s shows for her with the Haupauge tuner in this beast, directly from our cable TV connection (THE number one reason I now run Win7 as a host and my Linux/BSD machines as guests in VMs on this machine–*sigh* sadly, there is as yet NO Linux/BSD HTPC solution as complete and which recognizes and uses all my tuner hardware as well as WMC). Time-shifting while she’s working like a Turk to complete more grad classes enables her to keep up with her favs. Heck, I even time-shift both shows I like, now (well, and am building a movie library–once I convert the recordings from the crappy wtv file format and edit out the commercials, most of the movies I record are actually viewable). *heh*

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