Christmas Presents: Ah! Somebody Knows Me Well

Perhaps too well. *heh* In the mail today, addressed to me: FM 21-76, Department of the Army Field Manual: Survival.

Though it was addressed to me, I didn’t order it. I can only assume it to be a gift from someone who knows me well. Now, who could that be…

Whoever it is/was, thanks! 🙂 (Was Lovely Daughter)

(Of course, apropos of the Senate vote to enslave generations of Americans, the first thing my eye fell on when I opened the books was… a focus on escaping capture by the enemy. Of course.)

  • Size up the situation
  • Undue haste makes waste
  • Remember where you are
  • Vanquish fear and panic
  • Improvise
  • Value living
  • Act like the natives
  • Learn basic skills

Hmm, looks like a rubric for post-Obama Americans seeking to escape the enemy and survive as free Americans…

Micro-mini-update: Because of weather/road conditions, Lovely Daughter (why did I typo that as “Lobely Daughter”? :-))and SiL-to-Be did not spend Xmas Eve with us as planned. So, last night was our “make up Xmas Eve”. Re-read Random Yak’s “Lest We Forget”, shared Xmas Chili, Xmas music, etc., and then went on the Xmas Plunder from the Kids Down South. SiL-to-Be demonstrated his awareness of relationship between Sil-to-Be and FiL-to-Be with a wise gift: a Bodum French press coffee maker. Wise beyond your years, Grasshopper.

One Reply to “Christmas Presents: Ah! Somebody Knows Me Well”

  1. Robert Heinlein’s wisdom on how to survive in a hostile environment can be used as well. I recall, perhaps with imperfect memory, a section in Time Enough For Love, where our hero drops into an alien setting and starts off as a street peddler so as not to be conspicuous.

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