Rasmussen: “57% Would Like to Replace Entire Congress”

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% would vote to replace the entire Congress and start all over again. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure how they would vote.”1

Yeh, but Rasmussen only polls “likely voters” who are alive. That misses a HUGE demographic for Dhimmicrappic voters: the dead.

3 Replies to “Rasmussen: “57% Would Like to Replace Entire Congress””

  1. Beg to differ David. I believe the problem isn’t who they poll it’s the question they ask.

    Sure a large majority want to throw “the bums” out, but how many want to throw THEIR bum out? See, they get angry about pork barrel projects in OTHER districts, but projects in THEIR state or distric are necessary programs…

    It’s “Congress” that sucks, just not MY congressman. This is why I belive the system is hopelessly screwed up at this point.

  2. How is it that congress got less than 14% satisfactory rate and yet only 57% would replace them? In baseball you have to have a batting average better than what you weigh to be considered worth keeping; congress has some of the fattest cats out there and they want us to believe they all weigh less than 140 pounds. lol

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