Actively, Openly Flout Federal Law?

Oh, that’s just business as usual for The 0!’s campaign (he’s still campaigning, cos it’s all he knows how to do).

Of course, in The 0!’s world, the law doesn’t apply to him…

(Is The 0! a “floutist”–merely flouting the law–or a “flautist”? Or both? *heh* Either way, he ought to be impeached. Good luck with that one.)

3 Replies to “Actively, Openly Flout Federal Law?”

  1. WOW. Both about that and about this: What has happened to all your readers, David? You blog used to be hopping with comments. i go away for… I don’t know… a year… and I come back and notice so many of your posts with no comments. Granted, I am part of the problem. Nevertheless, where’s all ya peeps, D?

    1. Mel, I dumped a lot of traffic builders, stopped a lot of blogging at multiple sites, dropped a WHOLE lot of linkages, etc., and even stopped blogging for a bit. Such is the life of a blogger who abandons his audience, eh? 😉

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