Ignorance at the “Cafe au Lait” House

The 0! to the elderly, “Take a pill.”

Now, after my Wonder Woman’s incident eleven years ago, when she was about The 0!’s age today, I learned a few things about the heart, both physical and metaphorical, that The 0! seems to have no concept of whatsoever. First, many types of arhythmias are untreatable by taking a pill, and none of them are treated by simply “tak[ing] a pain pill” as The 0! would prescribe in his best political medical wisdom. (Translation: he’s a complete jackass.)

And tghen there are matters of the heart of which he seems completely unaware. He counts dollar cost as more important than a 100 year old woman’s joie de vivre and her daughter’s enhanced quality of life with her vital, enthusiastic mother present. No, it might simply be better to give the old biddy a pain pill and let her die of the untreated arhythmia.

That goes beyond jackassery all the way to evil. F**k him and the horse he rode in on!

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