Obama’s Poll Numbers Tanking

From latest Rasmussen data,

“Obama’s Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth”

Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama’s net presidential approval rating — which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve — is just six, his lowest rating to date.

Overall, Rasmussen Reports shows a 56%-43% approval, with a third strongly disapproving of the president’s performance. This is a substantial degree of polarization so early in the administration. Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative.

(More at the link.)

Well, about time the sheeple woke up and smelled the cyanide tea. One can only hope that when The One’s polling numbers actually hit dirtside, they keep going down to the very depths of hell. Seriously. Because, while I wish him success as president, I most certainly do NOT see success in the office entailing the success of his agenda. Only if his agenda fails will history judge him to be a success as president.

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