Disturbing Details in “Chimp Attack” Report

OK, so chimp goes wild, acts like a typical gangbanger (or illegal alien/Mexican drug dealer2, or “moderate” Muslim only tamer). Sad for the woman he attacked but otherwise, not all that significant.

What is really disturbing is this caption under a pic of the chimp:

A 200-pound chimpanzee named Travis attacked and critically injured a 55-year-old woman in Stamford, Conn., on Monday. This is an image of the monkey when it escaped in 2003.

Chimp=monkey? I don’t think so. Illiterate boob captioned the pic. That’s the quality of Hivemind reporting. Even when it has plain old ordinary news, it screws that up with dumbass stuff like “chimp=monkey”.

Ya just can’t make this stuff up, folks. These people are illiterate boobs, and it’s illiterate boobs like these who “inform” a vast majority of the other illiterate boobs who make up the electorate.

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