“Peaceful Islam” “Moderate Muslims” (yeh, MHWA)

So, a so-called “Moderate Muslim” who founded a television station to aid in spreading the “truth” about “the religion of peace”… beheaded his wife.

Yep. Ironic, eh? His intent to practice “holy deception” (al taqiyah), that is, blowing smoke up the skirts of stupid Americans, is shot to doll rags by his own faithful practice of Islamic traditions. So beheading is a tad messier than stoning. It’s still well within the traditions. After all, women–within Islamic tradition, closely following the life and work of Islam’s founder–aren’t really humans, just chattel.

And his wife–as countless others before her–discovered just how effective a “protective order” designed to keep him away from her could be. Yep. Worked just as well as “cease fire” agreements with Palestinian thugs works for Israel, that is to say, not at all. I just wonder how it might have turned out had she gotten a handgun, learned how to use it and had a carry permit, instead of relying on a piece of paper to shield her from a Muslim man intent on faithfully emulating the life and following the teachings of the Butcher of Medina…

(Do I have to “h.t.” Drudge? *heh*)

Trackposted to Nuke’s, The Virtuous Republic, The Pink Flamingo, , and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to ““Peaceful Islam” “Moderate Muslims” (yeh, MHWA)”

  1. Interesting how they wish us to believe theirs is a “religion of peace” when they do things like this, isn’t it? And the —- —— only got charged with SECOND degree murder. He should have been executed on the spot.

  2. Yeh, but it’s not just “when they do things like this”. These behaviors have been consistent, continual and unchanged from the day the Butcher of Medina began his reign of terror. None of these brutal, barbaric traditions swerve one iota from the words and deeds of the founder of Islam, and in fact what we have today is perhaps a tad “kinder and gentler” than their “prophet” himself, proving the hypocrisy of Islam at its very core in more ways than simply its practice–from the very first–of “holy” deception of unbelievers.

    And second degree?!?!? Pull the other one. Chopping off his wife’s head required some planning at least, and quite a bit of determination. Professional head whackers often had (and continue to have in Muslim countries) trouble doing such a thing cleanly, often needing to hack and hack and hack to get the job done.

    Someone should charge the prosecutor with vagrancy, panhandling (well, let’s see: he’s sure not gainfully employed–no gain to his employers, the people, at least–and he’s taking money for doing essentially nothing, hence vagrancy and panhandling–a real “persecutor” could make charges like that stick, I’m sure; see Ramos and Compean and Martha Stewart, et al) and general mopery for falling down on his job that way…

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