You’ll Have to Forgive Me…

..or not. I really don’t care. Seemed appropriate today, somehow. (Long story.)

Some might object to The Life of Brian, and I can understand that. This is in fact the best scene in the movie; the rest is not up to (or down to, depending on ones view of Monty Python) Monty Python standards, certainly not anywhere in the class of The Search for the Holy Grail. Others might object to this particular song’s lyrics on the basis of such a thing as the use of the word, “shit”. To them I say, “What?!? You would find objectionable my one-time neighbors’ surname, they who were named ‘Shatwell’ after an ancestor’s ability to have good bowell movements?” (“Shat,” as the literate reader knows, is the past tense of the vern [inf form] “to shit” and is a perfectly useful word. Only neo-victorian blwdlerizers find such a word objectionable. To which I say, “Shit. Not them again… “)


Now, to those who find reasonable objection to the philosophical statement “You come from nothing; you go back to nothing…” I say, well and good. There are reasonable objections to this song (and to the movie–and I have some myself) and I welcome discussion of those.

4 Replies to “You’ll Have to Forgive Me…”

  1. Some of that I don’t care for, such as going back to nothing, and indeed the “Life’s a bit of shit” line, but the main bit still works.

    “Always look on the bright side of life.”

    Good advice. Unless you’re assured of where you’re going after life, life beats the alternative.

  2. As I implied in my afterward (“Read more…”), I certainly can find a point of agreement on the “nothing” bit. As to where one is going… often, usually in fact, when someone wishes me a “nice day” I rejoin with, “Have a nie trip; after all, life’s not a dead end. You’re going somewhere”

    I’ve had some interesting discussions about ultimate destinations as a result.

    (Another rejoinder to “Have a nice day,” is “Why not? After all, I deserve to wake up and find myself in hell. Evey day I find I’m not there is a promise of better things.” *heh* Some interesting discussions from that one, too.)

  3. Great stuff. I actually have that on my Zune (mp3 player).

    I should probably listen to it more often… having a hard time looking on the bright side lately.

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