8 Replies to ““[T]he path we choose…””

  1. Yeh, his “I’ll do this president thing if enough people press it on me,” while the right attitude for a public sevant in politics, just didn’t get the baby made–and never will in our debased society. People have to be filled with overweening ambition before they’re taken seriously as politicians. Of course, when they are so filled, they make crappy, corrupt, weasel-mouthed politicians, more often than not. MUCH more often than not.

  2. Perri Nelson had it right, Thompson would have been the best of all those who put their hat in the ring; however, running for President requires an all out effort from the beginning and Thompson never really wanted it that bad. I posted this same video and hope even one person might learn what is at stake.

  3. Re: The Path We Choose

    Just got around to reading this — kinda reminds me of “Jonathan Livingston, Seagull.” May have to buy me another copy, since I don’t remember which box so many of my books are in from my last move.

    That title also reminds me of the book I’m currently reading. It’s “Haunted Mesa” … one of the last books, if not the very last one, Louis L’Amour published.

  4. Thank you – it’s the truth – thank you for speaking the truth when so many politicans are not. I’m voting for McCain/Palin…thanks for reinforcing my decision!

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