Thanksgiving Traditions

Well, a third world county central Thanksgiving tradition has struck again. Plumbing problems. Yep. We can almost count on plumbing problems striking around Thanksgiving (although the water heater died at a more convenient time of the year).

This time, it’s right where we needed plumbing problems most: the kitchen sink (yes, the one system everything in the kitchen drains through :-)). If I cannot locate a plumbing supply store where I can get the proper elements to replace the drain pipe tomorrow, then I must swing by WallyWorld (the one place I KNOW will be open), brave the crowds and pick up some chinet-type stuff.


At least it’s not a flood in the basement this year.

Oh, and this does remind me of things I can be grateful for:

No dishes to do! (Leftovers will be stored in the dishes they were cooked in–and yeh, I know I’ll not be able to get the plumbung parts I need tomorrow)

It’s not a flooded basement! (Yeah!)

I have the requisite skills and tools to do the job, and I’ll be off on Friday anyway (hey! And so will Bubba, so he can help out! Another Good Thing.)

See? It may not be all good, but what comes of it can be.


4 Replies to “Thanksgiving Traditions”

  1. Ain’t read CMD much have ya (recently)? 😉

    Re: “I’m just a natural curmudgeon.”

    Really? [;)]

    AND, ya think I ain’t?

    One woulda thunk I got caught slipping the Baby Ruth into the punch bowl at CMD recently. Yeah, my feelings are hurt — big time hurt! They just don’t understand!

    ONE good thing ’bout “renting” vs. “owning” ———-

    Last Friday owner & 3 henchmen were here to do a walk thru. They wanted it to last not more than2-3 minutes. T’weren’t gonna happen!

    When they were thru the door, I stepped around & locked it. “Here’s the things to which I want some attention paid.”

    Fifteen minutes later they “escaped” — him with a couple of legal pad pages of notes. (Oh . . . I wuz nice ’bout it . . . but he kinda knew where I be going, etc.) — if these issues didn’t get “attention.”

    It’s amusing how problems that have been on-going nuisance issues for 3-4 months actually became “priority” repair issues this week!

    At least I have a decent owner, but then he also “knew” my next Stop. I really like the “manager” here, but she has a BIG case of “short person” syndrome!

    RE: “… pick up some chinet-type stuff.”

    Ahhhh, my dear friend, you, Sir, have forgotten the merits of bachelorhood.

    I ALWAYS have a good supply of “Chinet” bachelor fine china — both paper & the newer “Cut Crystal” “glass-ware.”

    Even though I live well SOUTH of the Mason-Dixie Cup line, why would one such as me NOT use the finest? My choice for sour-mash liquids, “mountain” corn liquids, & 100% desert Agave juice (with sea salt* & lime, of course) may ONLY be consumed from Chinet “Cut Crystal.” **

    [*sea salt — gotta keep it healthy, ya know]

    [** yep, just go ahead & drop one — It’ll break like ALL other plastic cups. Sometimes being a member of the “country club” using Dixie cups is still better!


    [[Hugh, I did indeed pick up some (real) Chinet™… and some “Chinet Crystal” but… *sigh* The Grolsch lager I poured into the plastic cup tasted of the plastic, so I ditched it real quickly, rinsed a coffee cup out (in the bathroom, no less!) and enjoyed the rest in glazed earthenware. Lovely Daughter pronounced my molasses beer “better” than the Grolsch and even asked for a bit of it to take home with her. Of course, she adulterated her second (4-oz) “cup” with the spiced cider she brought, so I imagine that’s what she’ll do with the molasses beer I sent home with her. *heh*]

  2. Several years ago we had a pipe in the upstairs bathroom start to leak which got to the sheet rock over the den, which then got soggy and fell down into the den. This all on the day before Thanksgiving. We had a great time in spite of it, everyone got to see the hole in the ceiling and were all thankful it was our house and not theirs. My son in law is a dry wall contractor and fixed it as soon as the plumber found the leak and repaired it. If that’s the worst that happens we are blessed in deed.

    [*heh* I can recall worse than this year’s lil contretemps. The Thanksgiving after my Wonder Woman was released from the hospital (multiple “sudden cardiac death” occurences in one day, a week in intensive care, two surgeries, etc.), the sewer backed up into our basement. Yeh, backflow valve was apparently old, worn and someone upsteam had tossed some cleaning cloths down their toilet… Wonderful. Still, it all cleaned up nicely in the end and after a couple of days everything was back to normal. This year’s minor leak is no biggie, just another thing to point up all we have to be grateful for.]

  3. Well, the local hardware store was open by 8:00 this ayem and had everything I needed (plus some extras, juuuust in case *heh*) for abou $7. Less than 15 minutes later, all functionality restored with slightly more durable parts than the cheapo stuff installed… 30 years ago. *heh*

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