What Fifi Bush Wants for America

A reader, Pachuco: IP:, left a non-responsive comment on a post I wrote in May of 2006, The Proper Display of the Mexican Flag on American Soil, in response to the well-documented disrespect shown the American flag on our own soil by alien invaders from Mexico (alien invaders actively aided in their crimes by both the government of Mexico and the administration of George “Fifi Mohammed” Bush–he who has both proven to be a faithful lapdog of successive Mexican presidents and girlfriend of Saudi jihadists… ). Normally, I just delete such crap as spam; if someone’s not going to really read what’s there and attempts to post a non-responsive comment, then I have little use for them or their comment.

But this time, I’ll play.

At any rate, here’s the anonymous coward who claimed “Pachuco” as his pseudonym and listed a fake email address in the email field. My response to this liar below the fold:

Flavors of the Americas’ Third World . . .

I miss the Americas’ Third World; its smells and scents, tastes and sounds; its hot dusty roads, humid gardens, evergreen selvas and cluttered suburban streets.

I miss the open markets bustling with people dressed in vibrant colors speaking in the tongues of the ancients.

I miss the gathering of women around the tortillerias where the sweet maiz turns into soft steamy pancakes as it has for thousands of years.

I miss the carnicero and lechería; the paleteros and street vendedores.

I miss the slowness of time that brings an ease to any troubled heart and soul.

I miss the rousing sound of the mariachi’s guitars, violins and trumpets.

I miss the cool breezes that danced on my face with soothing caresses and blue skies that delightingly met the golden-brown earth and vibrant green and colorful gardens.

I miss the sound of happy children laughing as they play with fat little bellies full of frijoles and maiz.

The Third World lives in a dimension you do not understand; no cell phones, no internet, no TV, no complexities, no anxieties, no Joneses to compete with and no false and fake realities – the Third World has not lost touch with nature, they are bonded to it like a child bonds to his mother.

My response?

First of all, anonymous coward “Pachuco”, if you miss it all so terribly much, there’s an easy remedy: go home. Easy peasy, faker.

And that’s the second thing: that liars like “Pachuco” don’t go home is ready proof of their fake “love” of their homeland. Phony. Love it so much, just go home. He won’t because he really likes it here better and is just lying about missing his homeland.

I’ll skip over the crap in individual descriptive comments (like “people dressed in vibrant colors speaking in the tongues of the ancients”–yeh, right. Pull the other one dumbass. When these people invade the U.S. they uniformly speak the bastardized Spanish that has become the Mexican tongue), for now, but I can certainly come back and deconstruct the whole thing, if anonymous coward “Pachuco” were to want another spanking.

Romanticizing the oppression of the peasant class (yes, Mexico still has a peasant class, it’s only cover a thin coat of rhetoric painted by the ricos to cover their oppression of the poor) is a sick lie. Were it all so very idyllic, we’d not see the vast hordes (now estimated to range upwards towards 27 million by non-fedgov, non-alien-invader-advocacy groups!) invading the U.S. that we now do.

“Pachuco” I spit on your lying rhetoric. You disgust me, and I only gave your fake paean to barbarity blogspace to expose you as a fake. Now, if I am wrong and your pretty words mean one damned thing, I’ll never hear from you again because you’ll GO HOME WHERE YOU BELONG. (And thus not have any internet access–*heh*)%

One Reply to “What Fifi Bush Wants for America”

  1. Romanticizing the oppression of the peasant class …ah without that…where would all the Lefty lies be?…the poor oppressed terrorists some of whom happen to be educated and rich..Hmm..well never let the Truth get in the way of a juicy rationalization!
    thanks for droppin your 2 cents at WHT! 🙂 I love fishing these days!..grinz

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