Plugging a Product

This blog’s not normally a place where I run around screaming and yelling “Buy this! Buy that!” but I bought a product recently that saved my butt, and if any of y’all are auto tinkerers, you really ought to check this puppy out:

It’s Stanley Part #89-962, the Stanley Rotator Ratchet. From the description (and no, I don’t get some sort of “credit” if you click that link–I just like the product):

Provides Constant Drive Action with the Twist Action Handle. Twist Action speeds fastening and loosening. Thumb operated reverse switch and quick release button. Works in tight spaces – Requires less than 1 degree arc swing in Twist Action mode. 3/8″ drive, Pear Read ratchet design. Meets or exceeds ANSI standards.

Go find one at a local parts or hardware store and see if you can live without it. I can unequivocally state that I would not have gotten the starter changed out of my car recently had I not had this tool. The space I had to work in was just way, way too constricted to use a normal ratcheting action wrench. I may only need it once in a blue moon, but any $35-$40 tool that can save me $150-$200 in mechanics’ billing once has a place in this tightwad’s tool box. It’s an elegant solution to some thorny “mechanicking” problems.

One Reply to “Plugging a Product”

  1. David,

    I kinda done quit this stuff. But, I wuz somewhut adept a few ago w/teens @ home & a fleet to maintain. (Oh heck, that “fleet” was mostly “clunkers” anyway.) It was transport if they wanted to “ride.” If they didn’t want this, they were free to go buy something that suited ’em mo better. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Daughter wasn’t much interested, but her two brothers learned some little bit ’bout basic mechanics, if they wanted to “ride.” ‘Course daughter wasn’t allowed to drive solo until she could demonstrate how to change a tire.

    [She’s never had to change a tire (she does know how), ’cause most guys would do it for her and pay her for the opportunity, in hopes for a date. :)]

    Alas, she married a history major slug. She can “out-wrench” him any day of the week. Funny thing is, his father is an engineer in Nuc power plants in AL. But, the “slug” was mama’s baby boy.

    {Why did my “lovely daughter” do such a thing?} ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kinda went off into a rabbit trail there, didn’t I.

    To those who may not “unnerstan” some southern-ese, me thinks the name is tangential.

    Re: the tool thanng

    sounds like one I may need to git, whether I need it now or not.

    i’ve kinda always fancied new ‘N different tools.

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