Good News-Bad News: Immmigration Law is a Sad, Sad Joke

[Immigration law enforcement in these dis-United Stated seems to be a sad joke where the devil–and his minions in Congress–gets the last laugh… ]

Frankly, the title of this post ought to be “Bad News-Good News-Disasterous News”–*sigh*

The bad news? The U.S. is currently drowning in a sea of illegal aliens who take far more, net, from the economy than they contribute, while doing so via means of identify theft, scamming social services and taking jobs Americans will too do, contrary to the lies told by surrender monkeys and their favorite lapdog in the White House. And all because of massive corruption throughout every level of law enforcement.

Yes. Corruption in law enforcement. At every level, though the corruption is more obvious when we start at the top with a President who is determined to see those who enforce the borders punished and those who violate it rewarded. (“Determined”? Isn’t that a little strong? No, not at all. One of his cronies hatched the persecution of Ramos and Compeon and he has sat by and had his flacks lie about the situation for him.) The guys on the line have to be corrupted–or at least stiffled–by intimidation as a result of such things.


But there are some small, weak signs that not all are bending over to serve our masters in D.C. (and their deep pocket, short-sighted sugar daddys). At least at the State level, some states are waking up to the tiger they’ve been feeding in their livingroom. In Oklahoma (you know, land of backward hayseeds and low-brow yokels fit to compete with Arkansas rednecks and Southwest Missouri hillbillies), a new bill signed into law last week takes steps to address the problem of illegal aliens. Among other things,

House Bill 1804, signed into law by Gov. Brad Henry on Tuesday, would cut off in-state tuition, and possibly enrollment, for illegal immigrant students unless they can verify they have applied for citizenship or plan to within one year.1

Well, it would be a nice start for the region were it not for the fact that President Bush and certain Republican Senators plan to stab the whole country in the back with a bill agreed upon for next week.

And that’s news that takes the very minor good news out of Oklahoma and trumps it with disaster. And it’s news that has led three people in our tiny community in just the last couple of days to volunteer to me that they believe there’s a violent revolution coming in this country.

Yes, real people are getting more than a little angry at how our political masters are willing to sell our birthright for a bowl of pottage. But are there enough real people left to balance out the masses of sheeple who stumble from bread to circus, completely oblivious to the real world, distracted by the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind blather and too stupid to stop and think (or to be able to) just what the end will be when they are sucked dry…

Meanwhile, if there are a few non-sheeple who read this, consider CLICKing on over to NumbersUSA. Read the site’s wealth of information. Use the site’s FREE FAXING to your congresscritters. GLean phone numbers and addresses of congresscritters and call and write.

And spread the word: a country that refuses to enforce its borders is soon called one thing–conquered.


“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” – James Burnham

(And at least the situation in the Senate may give us some idea of the relative corruption of the Senate and the House… if the House doesn’t behave as irresponsibly and with such complete disregard for the rule of law and common sense and constituents’ desires as the Senate. If.)

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Right Celebrity, DeMediacratic Nation, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Nuke’s news and views, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo,, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, High Desert Wanderer, and Jo’s Cafe, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Good News-Bad News: Immmigration Law is a Sad, Sad Joke”

  1. You must have learned by now how to tell when a Senator is telling a lie; his lips are moving. These folks have done their level best to disguise their intentions on the illegal immigration issue. They claimed to support a measure which would place a wall between our southern border and yet, had they wanted it done, it would have been completed by now. This has been an issue since before Reagan was in office. The real movement at the highest levels of government is to eventually form one big happy North American Union and do away with the United States of America. Call me a reactionary; but that is how I interpret these overtures.

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