Happy Valentine’s Day/Wednesday OTA

I may or may not get anything else blogged today. *sigh* So, fill this up with some lovely reading, please.

And have a happy Valentine’s Day. Here, CLICK on the graphic below to enlarge it, print it out and color it for your Valentine:

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30 Replies to “Happy Valentine’s Day/Wednesday OTA”

  1. for this V-Day, didn’t have no one close to buy a rose for, so i bought two. one for me. one for my landlord (apt complex mgr). kinda odd for normal tenant-landlord relationships, but she’s really been helpful as i moved into apt living again, after many many many years.

    i think she has a sense of humour. oh . . . she’s definitely “too” married — least that’s what she said when i moved in. but, she’s such a lovely young lass, only ’bout (?) years younger than me. but we be close ‘nuf. if she just warn’t so darn married, she would be a target. πŸ™‚

    hope her hubby either sends some flowers to her office, or has some when she gets home. in the mean time (an old dick tracy phrase) i have a single rose in a bud vase ready for her to put on her desk tomorrow — oops today. no one has to know from whence it came – just that it’s there.

    hope all you good little boys ‘n girls have a happy “love” day. and … david … give wonder woman an extra hug from me so she’lll know she’s appreciated from the far parts of the universe. πŸ™‚

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