Boxing Day OTP

Some folks “do” the “boxing day” thingie December 26. Not at twc central, though. The tree, lights, etc. will stay up until around New Years here–actually, more like through Epiphany (January 6). Things’ll be a bit laid back and lazy here this week, including the posting schedule. So, hand in your “assignments” to keep my reading schedule nice n full, ‘K? 🙂 Open trackbacks to THIS post. Just link to this post and track back.

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23 Replies to “Boxing Day OTP”

  1. Pingback: Pirate's Cove
  2. Pingback: Rightwing Guy
  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  4. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  5. Pingback: The Random Yak
  6. Pingback: Mark My Words
  7. Pingback: Mark My Words
  8. Pingback: Mark My Words
  9. Pingback: Mark My Words
  10. Pingback: Mark My Words

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