
Well, PC Magazine’s sticking it’s nose in the air again. I dunno… where do they think their major readership is from?

Dialling in Dual Phones is a decent enough article, but the title just about gave me a rash. Who do they think they are giving the term a British spelling? An American invented the rotary dial, from whence the term “dialing” came into general usage… especially “dialing in” referring to phone usage, so using the British spelling of “dialing” is doubly irritating.

Yeh, yeh: picky, picky, picky. So? When in America, spell as Americans do.

Oh, and don’t try speaking Spanish to me, either. I’m trying to forget whatever I learned in my years of Spanish classes and living on the Texas/Mexico border. Let ’em all speak and write American English if they wanna be here. Yeh, not even Brit English, as long as they’re writing for a mostly American audience.

Snooty writers…


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