Bloggeeky goodness…

…available ONLY to Opera Browser users (Download Opera 9.02 via the link in my left sidebar). Oh. Just gave you the link anyway… 😉

Opera 9.01+ Browser users: check out the lil “Widgetize this feed” button on my left sidebar. Neat. It doesn’t improve the content here (guys: only more crossposts and guest posting can do that :-)), but it makes accessing it a bit cooler.

Getcher own here.

Latest Opera build: 9.02 final (9.02 build 8585).

3 Replies to “Bloggeeky goodness…”

  1. Pingback: Tor's Rants
  2. Oh, wow, very cool! I just tried out Opera yesterday and really like it, I need to switch from Safari (I have to use Firefox for the blog, I don’t get support for a lot of WordPress features on any other browser). I think I need to update my version tho, not sure where Opera is for Mac right now tho. I think you will have a convert soon, if I can only find a little time to change over. Two main browsers is enough, but Safari has been giving me some issues of late, so I think I’m going to Opera (tho Firefox is being a little buggy too, can’t wait for 2.0 on the Mac).

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