Lower Gas Prices?

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President Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use. The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants! That would be 11 million less [sic] people using our gas. The price of gas would come down.

Not bad, except that the guy who came up with this has bought the lie that there are only eleven million illegals. The number is much closer to twenty million, according to those with less cause to lie about it than Mass Media Podpeople and Political Poltroons.

Still, even a more accurate twenty million is just about 7% of the officially recognized U.S. population (who really knows what the “underground” pop is?) and won’t have THAT big an impact on gas prices. No, what would have a proper impact would be if President Bush were to actually act on his own pledge to go after those who harbor or fund terrorists. Then he could send a few marines in to kick the Saudis outa bed. (Lifting cost for the Saudis’ oil is about $5 a barrel.)

But licking the illegals out would be a small thing the administration could do, a small step to restore respect for the rule of law. And in the long run that’s more important than gas prices.

2 Replies to “Lower Gas Prices?”

  1. Apparently a few have been deported. 🙂 Last coupla weeks prices have been going down slowly here. Most are still in the mid-upper $2.40s. (Along the interstates? Still in the $2.50s.) BUT, yesterday I did see one @ $2.39. Must have been more deportees in that community.

  2. It’s still around 2.90 here in Arkansas.
    I am reaaaaaaaaaaaally starting to get tired of this country. Sad thing is, I can’t think of a better one I’d like to be in.

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