Drive-by post: “I hope this is just a coincidence… “

During my sometimes-usual Friday check of TTLB and others (been more often recently since someone pointed an anomalous rapid change over at TTLB–anomalous enough to be interesting, at least), I noticed something that’s had me back every day since. One of those morbid fascination things…

Since at least last Friday, it seems the Democratic Underground and twc have been trading places in the TTLB rankings.

Of course, it doesn’t mean much of anything. I can count several dead blogs (and one not-a-blog-at-all) on the same screen, so I can tell myself, “Being ranked right next to the DUhs doesn’t mean anything, not anything at all… ”

And if I say it often enough, it starts to make sense.


“Hu-what?”-ing over at The Bullwinkle Blog

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