The Eye of the Beholder

This is—obviously—a picture, a mosaic, of President Bush, composed of “pixels” made up of faces of service personnel who have died (supposedly in combat) in Iraq. Although there are a few more than 1,000 who have died in Iraq, total, since not all those are combat-related and the composer of the pic used nearly 1,500 faces, we can assume that more than a few were used more than once.

Nevertheless, depending upon the eye of the beholder, it is either a moving tribute to the heroic actions of our troops or (as the artist, “American Leftist” intended) a scathing criticism of Bush’s policies. I saw it as a moving tribute to the troops…

CLICK here to go to a page where you can download a large sized copy of the pic, if you wish.

(h.t. to Michelle Malkin for the link.) Posted by Hello

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