If only… *sigh*

If only the occasional piece of satire were reality. Like this one:

China Calls In U.S. Loans, Demands California
Golden State could become Middle Kingdom’s east coast

*sigh* It’s be a series sweep for the U.S. Just think on it a second: Wipe out U.S. debt to China and essentially no change for The Red Coast* (save that CA would no longer be a haven for Mexican illegals—*heh*). The few hardy genuine American citizens remaining on The Red Coast* would need to be repatriated and recompensed in some way, but think on it: Hollyweird would actually become less anti-American and communist than it is now!

*Red Coast, of course, refers to the communist bent of most of California. I never could understand how so-called conservatives got tagged with the “red” label so strongly associated with communism in the 20th century. Go figure.

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