“Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” W. Churchill

William Kristol’s piece today in The Weekly Standard will set some loony left moonbat teeth on edge (loony left moonbat’s have teeth? Doesn’t seem so from election results…). An excerpt:

On November 2, 2004, George W. Bush won more American votes than any other presidential candidate in history–8 million more than he won in 2000, as a matter of fact. He was the first presidential candidate since 1988 to win more than 50 percent of the popular vote. He was the first incumbent since 1964 to win reelection while simultaneously expanding his party’s representation in both houses of Congress. He had coattails, in other words; Republicans were elected to no fewer than six Senate seats that had previously been occupied by Democrats, for example, and in all six of those states, Bush ran well ahead of the rest of his party’s ticket.

Go. Read. Print out a copy and leave it for your loony left moonbat coworkers to read. [heh. heh] One more small weapon in ONE battle to save civilization from (among a mass of foes) Islamic jihad, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and the Army of Academic Asses (with minor apologies to the other AAA), so well documented here and here.

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