The Health of the Republic

While I recommend you read the whole thing, once again Jerry Pournelle puts his finger on a critical issue concerning the health of the Republic:

The House, which is the most democratic of our institutions, apparently sees what must be done. The President, Senate, and Judiciary have their own agendas.

Republican institutions are supposed to temper the temporary whims of the democratic electorate in favor of their long term interests. We have a total reversal here. The electorate has been in favor of border control for thirty years, but we don’t have it due to the politicians.

Do note that in this case Dr. Pournelle uses “Republican institutions” to mean the institutions designed by the Founders and Framers to institute and maintain a Republic, a form of government that is sadly slipping from us at an accelerated pace, as witness the elitist disregard so many in D.C. have for maintaining it…

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