Just stuff

This is just some geeky stuff. Nothing to see here; move it along, and all that (if this sort of stuff doesn’t interest you much). There’s a good tip to some grat info about the invasion of the U.S. in a post below.

OK, the geeky stuff…

Internet Exploder uswers who are readers of this blog have risen back to about half the number of readers/visitors. *sigh* Get a clue, folks. It’s not called (by me and now most of my clients) “Internet Exploder, the world’s crappiest browser” for nothing.

The other half of the readership is now about equally divided between Opera and Mozilla (mostly Firefox) with a sprinkling of Safari users. Interesting thing (to me, at least): the Opera users are mostly Windows-based, but there are a few who are Linux/Opera users and even a Mac user who browses the site with Opera. I’d like to see a few phone users who drop in with Opera, but that’s just cos I’d like to see its use spread more.

That’s all. You may return to your regular fare, now.

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