Acts of War?

Mini-rant ahead. Buckle up.


“If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”—A Nation At Risk – April 1983

Ask yourselves: with four year college graduates showing an appalling lack of reading comprehension in a recent survey, are we better off now than 23 years ago, or worse? Why have we not isolated and vanquished the enemy that has foisted off an ever more expensive “prisons for kids” system of “education” on us? Complacency? Stupidity? What?

Of course if the goal is to see that the children of people rich enough to send their children to private schools, or to have a stay at home parent to home school, will get far ahead of everyone else regardless of intelligence or merit, we may achieve that goal… _*_

The war is indeed in progress… and it is we ourselves who are either waging it against our own or acting as dupes or witting accomplices of the educrats, politicians and others who are wrecking the minds of yet another generation.

More? How about, “We have seen the enemy and he is us”? Yup. We keep electing traitors to Congress. What else can they be when they refuse to enforce our borders? (*sigh* And here is also President Bush’s greatest failing: he has joined the enemies of the United States in inviting invaders to stay. *profound sigh*)

“…a nation is a country with a valid government when that nation-country-government can control its borders… permitting the proper administration of its governance over that territory…” _**_ (pdf file linked)

Let me just add that it seem to me that a country whose government refuses to defend its borders has an illegitimate government–especially a supposedly democratic republic whose populace is strongly in agreement that defense of its borders is a high priority. Hmmm, am I saying that our nation’s government is illegitimate?

It seems intend on proving itself so.

“The truth is advocates of amnesty, guest-worker programs and open borders are unconcerned about the 280 million American citizens, the men and women of this country who work for a living and their families.”—Lou Dobbs

Yup. An “act of war” upon its own citizens! Seems a legitimate reading of amnesty pols’ actions.

I still say we should deport Congress, all educrats and pubschool administrators, etc. (after seizing all retirement funds and personal assets) to Mexico. Then raze all the schools of education in colleges and universities, build walls on our southern AND northern borders, consider a Constitutional amendment making it a capital (as in “shoot on sight”) offense to be a “career politician” (borrowing a bit from H. Beam Piper, since I just re-read Little Fuzzy :-)) and demolish the IRS, as a good start on returning the federal government to something that would at least be remotely recognizeable to the Founders.

Rantin’ n ravin’ at TMH’s Bacon Bits and Diane’s Stuff.

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