The marriage gap: deconstructing connections

“I was stunned to learn that a black child was more likely to grow up living with both parents during slavery days than he or she is today… ” –Joy Jones in her recent WAPO article, “Marriage Is for White People“.

Go. Read the article. Come back. Talk among yourselves. I’ll return later with my thoughts.

h.t. Chaos Manor Musings

Will I or won’t I… at Basil’s Blog?

2 Replies to “The marriage gap: deconstructing connections”

  1. Somewhere, somehow, the links are breaking – and we are starting to see what happens to a chain under these circumstances. The Biblical worldview teaches that we are links in a larger chain – responsible for teaching the next generation about the laws and miracles of God. When each generation fails to adequately prepare the next, links break – and so does society. Parents are to blame for the moral defects of their children if those parents fail to appropriately prepare their children to shoulder their moral and societal burdens. Somewhere, somehow, these parents have failed.

    And before someone calls me a racist, let me point out two things – you cannot tell from my comment what race I am, and it doesn’t matter. This isn’t *just* a black problem any more than it’s a latino problem, a white problem or an Asian problem. It is a problem common to any and all individuals willing to abdicate personal responsibility in favor of personal feelings.

  2. Indeed, RY. When family is redefined out of existance by a growing number of individuals (the sntithesis of “family”), can our society long avoid the crapper of history?

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