Jean Fraud sKerry for Democrappic Prez Candidate!/Open Post

It’s not too early to push for Democraps to nominate Jean Fraud sKerry again. Billary has her useful idiots, fellow travelers and evil minions pushing for her nom, but a Billary/sKerry ticket would be sooooo much fun to mock: “Stand By Your Man While Spending Christmas in Cambodia!” “Whitewater Swiftboat Veterans for Truth!” “That’s MY Little Blue Dress!” (OK, that last one’s a Jean Fraud sKerry-only campaign line… )

Extra points (10 points and your firstborn male child will buy you a cuppa Starbucks) for posts that link here and track back with mocking of Jean Fraud sKerry (who “released” his records—the last time—304 days ago… supposedly. Human eyes have yet to view them. Only the LA Slimes and the Boston Glob have copies, apparently, and Mass Media Podpeople don’t have human eyes), but now is the time for all good bloggers to come to the aid of twc and link to this post and track back.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Oh, and wanna join the fun mocking Jean Fraud? See Cao’s Blog for details.

13 Replies to “Jean Fraud sKerry for Democrappic Prez Candidate!/Open Post”

  1. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  2. Pingback: Random Yak
  3. Pingback: Mark My Words
  4. TMH -speaking of Kerry I see the latest poll shows he controls 10% of the vote behind the Breck girl -How close America came too close to putting this self-absorbed pompous person in charge of defending her.

    Hopefully, they’ll continue to have near misses in their quest for control of the country so they can lead us into Godless socialist utopia. Their hatred of Bush rivals that of the worst of the spurned spouses.

    Next time we will be subjected to the skills and fierce patriotism of the warrior princess Hillary. Please let her be captured by her own disgruntled subjects for violating their trust.

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