Ya think these were Moose-limbs or what?

Whatever these guys are, stupid ranks pretty high up there in the catalog of their sterling qualities. Which, of course, leads me to believe that the liklihood they are from a cult of illiterate/subliterate morons (AKA, Muslims) is pretty darned close to 100%. (And yeh, I know the article simply calls them “pirates” but given their locale and behavior, it’s not a big leap to conjecture that they are members of a cult of illiterate/subliterate morons, now, is it?)

h.t. Cathouse Chat

14 Replies to “Ya think these were Moose-limbs or what?”

  1. You know, david, you really MUST get over this whole “kindness” thing re: the moonbats… You’re being very insulting to illiterate morons, y’know…

    — R’cat

  2. Yeh, yeh, and I hereby extend my heartfelt apologies to illiterate morons everywhere who happen to NOT be Muslims.

    Muslims are just a less literate (as a class) and even more moronic (as a class) group of people than the rest of moronic illiterates.

    Apologies to all moronic illiterates who are not moose-limbs. I know even recognizing mooselimbs as a sub-sub-moronic group is insulting, and perhaps when someone reads you this insulting post v e r y s l o w l y and explains with little bitty words that you should feel insulted, then even jean Fraud sKerry might be able to forgive my lapse.

    If he can understand the offense and the apology, that is. It might take him a while. I think he’s packing to come home from Christmas in Cambodia.


    Oh, David, you slay me… First you slander illiterate morons, and now you show yourself to be an incurable optimist by even hinting there might be a vague hope of comprehension on the part of the mooselimbs as well as implying that Jean Fraud sKerry is rumored to have brains capable of grasping the nuances of plain language.

    So, when are you going to take your comedy routine on the road? Are yougoing to send me tickets for opening night?


    — R’cat

  4. Numb-to-truth (lying asshat): Who cares about Arabic or Farsi? I don’t speak or write Urdu, either. So? The only languages I am fairly familiar with are those of civilized peoples. Arabic and Farsi simply don’t qualify. Once, a couple of thousand years ago, and briefly at times since then–but not for hundreds of years, of course–Farsi (or its antecedancts) was a civilized tongue.

    But then, more and more Muslim savages began using it and it’s never recovered.

    Arabic, of course, has always been a language of 90% or better illiterate savages. Until and unless Arabic speakers reject the lying son of a dog, Mohammed, and the clear lessons of the example of his work and deeds, Arabic will always remain a language of savages, who pretend a veneer of civilized deciet, from time tio time, but always prove to be savage, brutal and stupid in the end. In short, it is the language of moose-limb murdering monkey men and their enablers.

    “Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.”

    Oh, and find a good English teacher or a good logician (one who is used to working with the “intellectually-challenged”–read “morons”). Maybe (just maybe) someone like that can explain how you reveal your stupidity with nearly every word you type. You say, “It is possible that my English skills are not to [sic] good.” Possible? It is a dead on certainty. Your “English skills” are about that of a demented, moronic warthog placed in third grade via social promotion in a backward Muslim country (oh, wait-ALL Muslim-dominated countries are backward) because his daddy, the local Big Warthog can prove direct descent from THE Big Pig-dog, The Butcher of Medina.

    If you can find a willing instructor (or instructors) and they speak v e r y s l o w l y, make sure they also use a big stick to reinforce (get through your thick skull to the pea brain inside) whatever lessons seem to be penetrating. It may be remotely possible for you to eventually learn to speak and understand a civilized language. But you’ll have to work really hard to drop the barbaric culture from whence you sprang, or understanding (as well as logic) will forever elude you.

  5. I have learned the meaning of ‘ad hominem’ attacks which is for some reason the only type you excel at. I have also noticed that you do not use your civilized Roman numerals, what is that? Do you know who developed the numbers you today use? Would you be surprised to know that his name included Mohammed? But of course you are so smart that this is already known. How about your use of decimals? Someday I hope you may become smart enough to be called stupid but I think not. It is beyond your reach.

  6. Numb-to-truth: “Do you know who developed the numbers you today use? Would you be surprised to know that his name included Mohammed?”

    Very surprised, since I know the tuth, rather than your lie.

    You remind me of folks who are so low in self-esteem that they have to edit history to manufacture a glorious past for themselves…

    Sure I know where the so-called “Arabic” numeral system the West (heck, nearly the whole world, except for the 90+% illiterate Muslim world where most people count “One, two, many…” and can’t write or read worth a damn) uses today: it came from India, filtered through the Arabic world. Mohammed had nothing to do with it, since he was almost entirely illiterate himself and wasn’t even around when it was discovered and brought back to the Muslim world.

    Hmmm… in fact, the system found by 8th Century Muslims had been in use by the Brahmins since somewhere around 2000 B.C., long before Mohammed was a gleam in Satan’s eye.

    As al-Biruni noted in about 1042, in his paper detailing the history of the Indian numeral system brought to Baghdad in 772A.D.,

    “Whilst we use letters for calculation according to their numerical value, the Indians do not use letters at all for arithmetic…”

    Al-Biruni noted that Arabs were still using a letter system of enumeration nearly 300 years after the Indian numeral system had been brought back to Baghdad for study. Kinda slow on the uptake. When this Indian system filtered through from the dumbass, slow-on-the-uptake Arabs (and, not surprisingly, also through separate, northern routes from India, as well), such works as the Codex Vigilanus (972 A.D.) began appearing in the west… while the Indian enumeration system was still fighting for recognition in the Arab world, though with slowly growing adoption by Arabic writers.

    Adoption by both Arabic writers and European writers of the Indian numeral system happened virtually side-by-side, independantly, through the late Medieval period, with some cross-fertilization going both ways.

    Gee, even if I weren’t a literate Westerner (as opposed to a sub-literate Muslim like yourself), I have little doubt I could have looked alla this up with one simple Google search, instead of putting my finger on a handy reference that was within six feet of my chair, in order to get the quote/reference right.

    You can’t name one single solitary thing of any significant worth that Muslim culture has PRODUCED, rather than simply found, like a shiny bauble laying around for the nearest simpleton to pick up and play with.

    Wanna try for claiming Algebra was “invented” by Arabs in a Muslim culture, next? I warn you in advance, if you try asserting such claptrap, I’ll smash your silly argument with FACTS. Ooooo! The word “algebra” has a middle eastern origin! Wow! What a wondrous thing! (Well, I guess Muslims can be credited with not burning ALL the Greek manuscripts in Alexandria, despite the best efforts of the MUSLIM Caliph of Alexandria in 641 A.D., since it was in the 13th century that ancient GREEK?that darned Western Civilization thing?texts were translated by the Muslims who had stolen them and algebraic geometry was found by the village idiots rooting around in the shiny baubles of GREEK thought.)


    How stupid can you be to think you can snow people with your babble?

    “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”?A. Lincoln

    And, may I point out, you have damn all chance of fooling me any of the time, since you have adequately demonstrated your lack of knowedge, reasoning ability and even ability to lie convincingly. And that last is the telling blow. It takes a modicum of intelligence to even attempt to lie convincingly, and that you obviously lack. In spades. And just think, I was not even a history major. Just a chem major who switched to a fine arts program (and then to an entirely unrelated field for grad work, later). No special knowledge, and not even very well-rounded, as compared to my grandfathers’ educations.

    Still, it is fun to try and find your lil peabrain, so I can take it out and bounce it around with words you have no possible chance (as you demonstrate time after time) of comprehending, even though I use the poor tools available to me from my extremely limited Western education.

    BTW, Numb-to-truth, an argumentum ad hominem is not simply name-calling, as you do (and as I gleefully do in return, better, in spades). Anyone with the brains of a gnat would have better sense than to assert, “I have learned the meaning of ?ad hominem? attacks which is for some reason the only type you excel at” without demonstrating the truth of the statement by locating and correctly labeling at least one example that accurately matches the logical fallacy, argumentum ad hominem. Indeed, you adequately demonstrate time after time after time that you have no acquaintance with logic or reason in any shape, fashion or form.

    Saying you are an idiot and then using actual examples of your own idiocy from your own hand is not argumentum ad hominem, no matter what some other illiterate (or perhaps merely subliterate) may have told you. Get someone who knows what it is to explain it to you slowly, carefully and repeatedly until you understand the differences between name-calling, accurate labeling (with clearly argued examples) and argumentum ad hominem.

    If you are in a modern college or university, it may be impossible to find someone, even in the philosophy department, who understands the differences. That’s due largely?though not entirely?to the increased numbers of Academia Nuts who assert that barbaric, backward cultures like your own are as valuable as real civilizations. Heck, even with my sub-standard (by my grandfathers’ standards) education, I know the differences. But you have already adequately demonstrated you haven’t a clue what argumentum ad hominem is. And you have the silly stupidity to proudly parade that fact in public.

    Dumbass. Better (for you, but less fun for me) for you to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Apologies to Twain for the slight ateration.)

    Thanks for yet again PROVING your lacks of both knowledge and ability to think rationally. I have developed serious doubts about your ability to amend either of those glaring lacks. Have you thought of applying for Wiley Coyote’s job? I’m not certain you’d be able to handle the technical aspects, but I’m fairly certain you’d enjoy being his stunt double. Well, I’d enjoy watching you try…

  7. while your civilized society was still living in caves, written language was first developed in Mesopotamia around 3000 B.C.E
    I will guess that you know where Mesopotamia is. Am I hoping for too much?

  8. while your civilized society was still living in caves, written language was first developed in Mesopotamia around 3000 B.C.E
    I will guess that you know where Mesopotamia is. Am I hoping for too much? So while your ancestors were still making lines in the dirt, we were mastering algebra and recording history.

  9. Welcome back, numb-to-truth! I’m so glad you dropped in to provide me with yet another laugh and even more proof of you subliteracy and lack of basic intelligence!


    Let’s see, which “Mohammed” in 2000 B.C. India were you referring to, dumbass? Oh, I see, exactly NONE. Because there was no “Mohammed” in 2000 B.C. India involved in the development of the INDIAN system of ennumeration picked up, magpie-like, by a Muslim looter 2,700 years later… and sat on for 300 years (according to the record of one of Islam’s greatest “scholars”), while the INDIAN system of numbers found its way to European hands both through Arabic trade and through the Indo-European route to the north.

    In point of fact, there was no “Mohammed” of any other name who was in any way useful in the development or spread of what has only in the last 150 years or so become commonly known as “Arabic numerals”?since even in Arabic literature the system was known as “Indian” for the better part of a millennium.

    But of course, you are far too subliterate to know that, aren’t you?

    You were anable to actually read, decode and understand those portions of my comment, weren’t you? Either that, or you are just trying to blow smoke and obscure the facts that are plain for any moderately literate person of even mean intelligence to see: that you personally are a fool and your Muslim culture is a conglomeration of nothing but magpie pickings from superior, civilized peoples.

    Oh, my! Islamic “scholars” finally started really using (instead of just talking about)the INDIAN system of ennumeration somewhere in the eleventh century A.D., and by the 13th century had uncovered the Greek texts that the Caliph of Aleandria had failed to have burned outlining GREEK algerbraic geometry (and referring to earlier work by Egyptians AND to the spread of algebraic formulations to India by Alexander) and Arab “scholars’ began using algebraic geometry to cast astrological predictions for Islamic savages who superstitiously believed in the power of the stars to control their lives.

    And there Muslim “scholarship” in math pretty damned well stopped.

    Of course, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton (among many, many others in the WEST) used algebraic geometry to make significant discoveries about the universe, developed the tools of math far beyond what the Muslim “scholars”?stuck in a savage, pagan society?could do. Why, Newton even invented calculus, just so he could understand the workings of the universe better, while Muslim “scholars” were still stuck superstitiously studying the stars for portents.

    WTG, fool. Make an argument or STFU, unles all you want to do is offer me more belly laughs at your well-demonstrated stupidity.

    Thanks for the laughs, though!

  10. “Lo, all [y]our pomp of yesterday, Is one with Nineveh and Tyre…”

    Sadly, there is NOTHING of the civilizations of ancient Babylon ?either intellectual or cultural in nature?that has ANY connection whatsoever with your Muslim world. While Muslims have managed to degrade and despoil every civilization they have come into contact with?it is Muslims, following their prophet, the Butcher and Slaver of Medina?who still practice active chattel slavery wherever they can get away with it worldwide, while the record of Western Civilization is one of ever-advancing freedom, for but one example of many.

    Your citation of Babylon is an indictment of Islam. And the very sad thing is that you have neither the honesty of character or the ability of intellect to recognize and admit it.

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